Open Actions XML -- Open Actions XML Documentation

What is Open Actions XML ?


Open Actions XML is an open standard for publishing up-to-date information about online and offline actions and their anticipated impact in XML. Open Actions XML independent of any particular aggregation. Social Actions views the development of a versatile XML schema for publishing information about online and offline actions and their anticipated impact as a critical component of the philanthropic web.




Thre are two feed level tags in the open actions name space:

* result_count: the total number of enties in the search result

* page_count: the total number of pages that must be fetched to get all results (result_count divded by limit)

The following elements refer to a feed entry (Atom <entry>, RSS <item>). All elements described below must be in the "" namespace. Unless otherwise specified, all values must be plain text (i.e., no entity-encoded html).

* goal - Describes the goal that the action aims to achieve. If used, it has two required elements, amount and type, and two optional ones, completed and numberOfContributors.

* type - The type of goal, eg "USD" or "Signatures"

* amount - The amount of the type that is being aimed at

* completed - How much has been completed already. This should be in the same format as amount.

* numberOfContributors - The number of people who have contributed towards amount.

* platform - Describes the platform on which a social action is listed. If used, it has two required elements, name and url, and one optional one, email.

* name - The name of the social action platform

* url - The URL of the social action platform

* email - A contact email address for the social action platform

* organization - Describes the organization that is carrying out or that benefits from the action. If used, it has two required elements, name and url, and two optional ones, email and ein.

* name - The name of the initiator organization

* url - The URL of the initiator organization

* email - A contact email address for the initiator organization

* ein - The EIN of the initiator organization. This can be used, for example, to automate donations to the organization.

* embedWidget - An entity-encoded HTML fragment containing a widget describing the social action for a user to put on another site.

SECURITY NOTICE: This will usually be executable code such as flash or javascript. If you consume this element, be sure that you trust the provider of the feed. Similarly, if you are producing this field, make sure that you are taking necessary steps to prevent code injection.


Implementation guidelines


There are a number of pieces of information which social action platforms often want to make available which can be described using standard elements from popular feed formats. The following examples will use elements from Atom 1.0, but the same information can be used in RSS 1.0 and RSS 2.0 feeds.

Title atom:title
Description atom:content
URL atom:link
Creation Time atom:published
Update Time atom:updated
Initiator Name atom:author/atom:name
Initiator URL atom:author/atom:url
Initiator Email Address atom:author/atom:email
Tag atom:category

TODO: add geo tags

TODO: add RFC5005 reference and context

The following elements from the dcterms namespace("") may also be useful for representing social action data.

Subtitle / fulfillment trailer dcterms:alternative
Expiry Date dcterms:valid


Action Type


TODO: describe action type & how to use category scheme

<category term="Volunteer" scheme=""/>




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<feed xmlns="" xmlns:oa="" xmlns:dcterms="">

<title> Open Actions Feed</title>


<link rel="self" href=""/>








<title>Help Test Open Actions!</title>

<dcterms:alternative>We need people to test the implementation of Open Actions...</dcterms:alternative>

<content type="html">The text is derived from Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (On the Ends of Goods and Evils, or alternatively [About] The Purposes of Good and Evil ).[1] The original passage began: Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit (Translation: "Neither is there anyone who loves grief itself since it is grief and thus wants to obtain it").</content>

<link href=""/>








<name>Josh Crawford</name>





<category term="Volunteer" scheme=""/>

<category term="Feed Format Extensions"/>


<oa:name>Example Platform</oa:name>




<oa:embedWidget><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></oa:embedWidget>


<oa:name>Brattleboro Tech Collective</oa:name>





