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Social Actions explained - Engaged Citizens

Page history last edited by Mariel Garcia M 14 years ago


I'm one of those people who wants to make a difference on a cause I care about. What does Social Actions do that will help me? 


How about a simple search engine that draws from 60+ "take action" sources?

If you want to find things right here, right now, just click on that link and type a couple of words. Click on "Search", and there you have it! Some of the searches you can do: search by type of action (volunteering, donating); by cause (HIV, women's rights); by location (San Francisco, London); and by organization (Idealist, VolunteerMatch).


Or  40+ online tools that make it even easier to find and connect with an action you'd like to take?

Did you know there is a gadget that automatically shows ways to take action for the cause you are writing about on your blog, or in the place of Google ads on Firefox? Click the link above and take a tour of tools built just for you.


You can also download or follow one of these Action Packs for current alerts on the specific cause you're interested in

There are over 50 to choose from!



I've never heard of Social Actions before. What is it? 


Social Actions is a project presented by a group of people who, with ideals and ideas, are working on three big things:  


  • Making it easier for people like you to make a difference on the causes you care about.
  • Promoting collaborations that advance the work of social innovators.
  • Developing open source software that adds a philanthropic layer to the web. 


You can learn more about Social Actions and the people behind the project on this page.

You can also learn about the Action Sources (the projects whose action opportunities appear on the Social Actions search engine and related software) here



Is there a place on Social Actions where I can get in touch with other people interested in taking action, philanthropy, etc.?


Yes! You can join us at My Social Actions, where you can read or share blogposts, information about events, and mostly communicate with other people who share your interests.



Where else can I find Social Actions materials?


Apart from the apps that you may see in other webpages, there are two main sources for Social Actions information outside the website: the Twitter account we have, @socialactions , and our Facebook fanpage, Social Actions



Where do I go if I have any other questions?


Apart from having the freedom to post any comments or questions you may have on this wiki, on My Social Actions, or on the Facebook page, you can find some contact information here.



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