
Action Apps -- About

Page history last edited by Mariel Garcia M 14 years, 7 months ago

(If you're looking for the Action Apps folder contents, click here)


One of the objectives of Social Actions is to develop and inspire open source software that adds a philanthropic layer to the web. Many times, that software comes in the form of applications, or apps, that distribute opportunities to take action around the web. We call them Action Apps.


How do these apps work?


These apps draw information from the big Social Actions database of opportunities to take action, sourced by Social Actions' partners, through the Social Actions API (you can read about it here). 


For example, Possibly Related Classroom Projects is a Wordpress widget that can detect a topic in your blog post, use it to make a search in the Social Actions database, and then insert some of the search results below the post. These search results will be, as the name says, opportunities for your readers to support classroom projects that are related to what you wrote about. 



Where can I find these apps?


In this page.



Who makes these apps? Can I make one?


Any developer can create one of these apps. To find more information on how to do this, you can check out this list of resources that can help you get started.



Have additional questions?


Join this wiki to leave comments below, or edit this page directly, or get in touch with the Social Actions team. We look forward to hearing from you!


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