
Welcome to Social Actions!

Page history last edited by Christine Egger 14 years, 6 months ago

The links below will direct you to different types of information on Social Actions - you just have to choose what sounds most appealing to you!



What do you want to do?


- I want to find actions I can take that will make a difference for the causes I care about

- I want to share information about a campaign, website, project, or other resource where people can take action

- I want to use my tech/developer skills to connect people with the actions they can take for social change

- I want to learn more about this initiative called Social Actions


If you'd rather, you can also go to the wiki index.





Questions for the reviewers:


  1. If you landed on and were presented with these options, do you think you could easily choose one? Or are they not really clear?
  2. Have you found things on Social Actions that don't really belong in any of those categories? For example, any content provided in the Social Actions website that isn't directly useful to people who own philanthropic projects, technologists or engaged citizens.


Social Actions' Communications Review - Navigation


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